week of march 7th, 2021

read for your sun, moon, rising, and venus



detachment from a fantasy life or unstable relationship is actually going to help propel you into something much better. something that can actually fulfill you and give your soul some energy. don’t waste time around people who refuse to understand the true you. keep to yourself this week. think about what you are “meant to do” in this life. you have years and years to discover so much about yourself.



you could have everything you want, but you’re still suffering under the stress of some promises made. what if you got everything you wanted and you’re still unhappy? find the source of your stress so that you may enjoy the present (and the success). find something to believe in, something to be committed and dedicated to. don’t break the promises you make to yourself!



you can’t let regrets control your life. forgive yourself from past mistakes and learn how to love yourself enough to accept good things into your life. accept love when it comes to you. and most importantly, take a mental health break and seek counseling if you can, you shouldn’t have to bear these stresses alone. detach from unhealthy and toxic relationships, you need to make changes, and you cannot make significant change by trying to “fix” someone else first.



significant change needs to be made if you want to truly heal from any pain, heartache, loss. even if you feel better for now, how much as really changed? this process of healing will not happen overnight, and you need to take it seriously. your angels are worried that you’re going to end up hurt again if you don’t make the necessary changes. be prepared to picked yourself up and rebuild something that was torn down.



this risk might not be worth it in the long run, and i think you are being urged to fight for stability instead of thrill. there will be an adventure that is very endearing, and normally i would encourage you to go on such an adventure, but this time i think you need to play it safe. i know you want to get the wheels turning and manifest your success quickly. focus on securing your finances.



are you making bad decisions because you no longer care? you are looking for something to hold on to, but you don’t show it, you don’t tell anyone what you need. perhaps this is because you are not aware of what you need, or maybe you don’t think you are deserving of everything you want. you are being urged to fight off those bad decisions this time.



i see you digging deep inside yourself to find the strength to overcome obstacles you might not have been able to face a year ago. you are different, now. whether or not you realize it, so much has changed (for the better). you are more capable and you are finally starting to listen to yourself, and are giving yourself the opportunities you need. you are learning what you need to feel loved wholly, and accepting nothing less.



i see you may have a new obsession. this surge of energy probably stems from you releasing yourself from a very unhealthy and toxic habit, and you should be proud. you’re thinking clearly and making logical, smart decisions based on experience. you might feel right now that you don’t have much support, and that may be partially true, but you don’t have to give up. the support and resources will come. you’ve already made good progress on your own.



whatever love adventure you’re doing right now, please consider an alternative (especially if you already have a bad feeling about it). i see you getting trapped in something that isn’t what you hoped it would be. you need to spend time working on rebuilding a life after loss. what have you lost? find strength in teamwork- you do not need to go through this hard work all on your own this time. they will be there for you.



so many ideas, not enough energy. it’s okay to just have ideas because you cannot get rid of an idea. write it down and never forget. it will be there for when you are ready. this is something that you can do practically, and you’re not overly ambitious- i just mean this is very achievable and you should not stress over it. follow the rules and have faith in your abilities, you’ve gotten yourself this far.



many of you are probably in a state of recovery, and you might be here for awhile. recovery is different for everyone, so please do not compare yourself to anyone else’s progress right now. you are who you are and your progress and healing journey will be your own. you should expect secrets and something hidden to be revealed this week, or the beginning of truths coming to light.



this is very specific, but be careful when applying for a loan, and be sure to keep up your credit card payments. a sudden blessing of money (an approved loan) might help you NOW, but i’m worried about how it will affect you years from now. and watch out for hidden fees. you’ve been told that you’re an “old soul” your whole life, so… did you have much of a childhood? were you allowed to just “be a kid’? you’re still naive in some ways.


week of march 14th, 2021