week of march 21, 2021

read for your sun, moon, rising, and venus


in the beginning of the journey you are probably at your most eager. your happiest. the determination you have right now can only persist if you fuel it and feed it. you have packed so much, planned this out, but you should expect the unexpected. by the end of this journey you will hopefully have gained a new perspective, a new mindset. i cannot tell you where you will end up, but i know that you will get there yourself on your terms. learn how to say “no” when you can’t extend your gifts any further.


what happens when the weeks go by, the work has been done, but the result is not what you expected it was going to be? can you handle surprise? even the unexpected can be a blessing. often our favorite things were once something that was foreign or unexpected. welcome the blessing, no matter how insignificant it may look now. this pressure you are under right now, it isn’t going away. it is okay to have days that you have to give up and take a break. you were not built to do it all or solve every problem. you were built to be good to yourself and those you love.


if you’re feeling an urge to shelter and protect yourself, go with that feeling. have you been spending all of your energy on other peoples needs? i just feel like you are beyond tired, and your body and mind need to take a break from other peoples needs and opinions. if you don’t have the physical or emotional capacity to go through all of this, try to lessen the pressure on yourself. just be in ONE place at ONE time. this week is the beginning of recovery.


if you are struggling right now with self-doubt and being overly critical of yourself, know that this is probably your greatest enemy. your own doubts and a fears about how far you can actually go. “i’m not strong enough”. “i can not handle this”. if you can’t handle something yet, you will be able to take it on a year from now. not every goal and milestone needs to happen today. believe in your own growth. you are living this life day by day, don’t expect yourself to have everything figured out.


if you have been asking for in need of assistance recently, i can see you receiving what you are asking for, or at least something to help you along the way. you need someone to invest in you and your work. someone who completely understands you and genuinely wants to help you succeed, because they believe in the power of YOU. some of you have given up on a relationship or hobby. something you loved, what will replace it? no need to find out today.


please think twice before inserting yourself into an argument- or someone else’s drama and problems. you are being urged to hold your tongue this time, and focus on something more worth your time. your name might even get pulled into a conversation while you are somewhere else minding your business. let it go. how are you with relationships to authority figures? you might have to speak your truth and work with someone in authority this week. you may be the younger one, but your advice is needed.


do you love them for the right reasons? i feel like someone in this relationship (you or them) has checked out, and whether or not they know it- their mind (or your mind) is somewhere else. it is common for us to stay for the memories and the sentiment of a relationship. i don’t want you to make any big decisions, just ask yourself if you are here for the right reasons. choose to love everyday, or walk away. regardless, you need some excitement in your life, a hearty laugh. child-like joy.


the longer you wait to make this decision, the harder it’s going to get. i get the feeling that you’ve been floating in the “waiting period” for awhile. cruising, not pursuing or chasing. are you waiting for something? or are you avoiding something? choosing to do nothing is not a replacement for making a choice you don’t want to make. it will come around again regardless of how much you try to avoid this responsibility. get your work done, then rest.


why must you insist that you move so fast? why do you need to get to the destination so quickly? sometimes you act like every idea needs to be seen to completion immediately after you have the idea. try to learn how to value the slow burn. you will probably lead a more enjoyable life if you complete every goal much slower and more carefully. you are an artist. you create and you consume. whatever your skill is- your goals and your aspirations, they deserve to be given enough time to form fully. do not rush your process.


i feel like you’ve got your eye on someone who is out of reach. they might be physically far away or at a place in their life where they are not looking for a relationship. but you are seeing a future with them, innocent fantasies with a white picket fence and vacations. try not to make this into an obsession, i want you to look after your mental well-being, too. it might not be in your best interest to seek them out just yet, not until you are both in the right place to take it to the next level.


with aries season comes good news. this is a friend or a stranger coming to cheer you up unexpectedly. this is flood of joy that you desperately need right now. you don’t always need to be “strong” and “fearless”. you have been through a lot, and you deserve to have the vulnerability. the softness. the sad days. it’s okay if you have to have a moment(s) of weakness. you really do not have to be the rock that keeps everyone else together. you need a rock, too.


i’m not just saying this because of your pisces placement(s), but you should sleep. take a nap. you had a long few months (years?). i get the sense that you are tired and worn out and it’s time for you to recharge. you don’t need to start and get going on something exciting because it is spring and everyone else is trying to start a new project right now. you make your own time and your own plans. you’ll be successful if you listen to what you and you alone need day by day- not what someone ELSE needs. they are not you, not in the least.


week of march 14th, 2021